Tyler's Birthday was last week! He was lucky enough to go camping for his Birthday. Jess took both the boys and went to our Ward's Father's and Son's camp out. We ordered a Cake for him to share with everyone up there (notice only 5 candles on the cake, leave it to me to forget the candles and at the last minute only finding 5). We have a tradition that every other year instead of a big party the kids are able to invite a few of
their friends out to dinner. Tyler decided he wanted to go to "Chuck E Cheese". He invited Dominic, Nate, and Collin (who sadly could not come). They had so much fun playing the games. They didn't care about earning tickets, all they wanted to do was play the car racing games. It was up to Madysen and Dad and I to earn enough tickes for them to take home a prize! We had a great time, and if you asked Tyler if he
had a great 6th birthday, I know he would say YES! 

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