Well we are at it again. After being in Sunny California for EXACTLY 6 years we have decided to move again. Jess' job has transferred him to Bend Oregon. We have heard a lot of great things about this town. We are going to really miss the people here. We have made so many great friends here and it is really going to be hard to leave (I have already cried many times when I think of leaving all of you)! I hope that we can stay in touch and that we will get many visitors in the future!

Here is a picture of the house we will be living in. If we like this house (brand new) and neighborhood well enough we have the option to buy it...
Yea, I am so excited for you and this new adventure. I know it will be hard to leave the many close friends that you have in Cali but I am sure you will love Oregon. Also I am sooo excited to visit you there! Love you Tons!
I can't believe you're moving! I am so sad! It will be exciting for you, but I hate to see you go. When do you leave? When can we get together??? Is there anything you need help with?
Bend sounds like fun!!
I think that you will love Orgeon!! What a beautiful house. Yea!! We will come visit you if you come visit us!
The Whiteheads
I miss the Bay Area so much but this is a lot to be said for having a real house! You'll love it. Good luck!
I miss the Bay Area so much but this is a lot to be said for having a real house! You'll love it. Good luck!
Hi...I loved the pictures of the house, you will love it. It makes a big difference in how you feel when you are in a nice comfy home.
Anyways, I have tagged you...look on my blog and check out the rules.
I can't believe you guys are moving. How exciting! Hope everything goes well with the move... Love the picture of the new home!!
OMG!!!! OMG!!! Bend is like 6 hours away from me!! You will love it so much up here! The Northwest is so beautiful!!! YAHOO!
Wow! Good luck! I've heard it can be pretty in Oregon!
We're excited for you to have a new adventure. I know you'll make the best of it and be surrounded by new friends in no time flat! Everyone I know from Oregon LOVES it. Good luck, and enjoy the end of apartment life--you've definitely earned it!
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