Yesterday, Sunday August 30th at 11:00 pm was the day one of my favorite Aunts "Aunt Doris" (my dads sister) returned to our Heavenly Father. She was a very strong women through her battle with cancer. I have many fun memories of my Aunt and her family, as do my children! A few of these memories include...Visiting her in Ogden Utah when we were very young. She introduced us to "Curly Noodle" soup (Ramen) and Kool Aid with two different flavors mixed together. To this day I remember that being the best Kool Aid ever (I only wish I knew what flavors they were)! Another memory was shortly after I received my drivers license I was lucky enough to drive 3 of my best friends up to Ogden for a State Basketball Game. On the way I was pulled over and was issued my very first "Speeding" ticket. I was so scared to tell my parents so when we got to Aunt Doris' house I talked her into calling my dad and breaking the news to him! What a great Aunt! We also remember feeding her horses carrots and apples, and getting to ride the horses! Madysen especially loved this part! I was excited when Aunt Doris and Uncle Rex moved down to St. George so we could visit them more! Every time we would visit St. George we had to go see Aunt Doris! My Aunt Doris was a Beautiful Lady and she will be missed so much! We take great comfort in knowing that Aunt Doris was greeted in heaven by her mother and father "Grandma and Grandpa Gubler" and her son Cameron! We love you Aunt Doris!

She was a great person and a wonderful Aunt. Thanks for your fun memories. We will miss her so much!!
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