Is is amazing to think that 4 years ago we were rushed into the operating room to deliver our 2 month "premature" baby boy (it seems like yesterday)! He is definitely our "Miracle" baby! Other than having a Clogged Tear duct for the first two years of his life he has been perfect. He is a very energetic and curious "big" boy who absolutely loves Madysen and Tyler. Where ever they go, or whatever they do he is there doing it right along side of them. Cars are his passion, and has just started getting into "Star wars". He loves to be surrounded by people, especially his friends! Zac, we are so lucky and proud to have you in our family!
Happy Birthday and WE LOVE YOU!
(refresh screen to see slide show from beginning)
I love slidehows that make me cry :), I wish we could have been there to celebrate Zac's birthday with him. Love you all!!!!!
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