Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Here is what you all have been waiting for...

The Hallman's have moved into their VERY OWN home! We are so blessed to be able to buy a home, especially in this market (thanks Jess for working so hard and loving your job). We have had a great time getting all settled, finding places for things and being able to decorate our own home! As of now we are pretty much settled. Jess finished his shelf's in the Garage and we can now fit both vehicles in them (a little snug but they both fit). With the weather warming up we are now hoping to get our "Dead" grass growing again. Because this house had been sitting for two years the lawn is pretty much gone. We hope to revive it, but hey it is just great to have a yard after 6 years of no yard. So let me tell you a funny thing Zac said on Sunday...we were checking to see if all the sprinklers were working so Jess had them going. Zac came outside and said "Mom, what are you doing with the Flying Water". I did not realize that he did not know what "sprinklers" were. I guess he had never seen them, because in Cali our apartment did not have them, and we didn't go to the parks when they were on, and when we visit St. George my dad would water in the early mornings.

Anyways...enjoy the pictures of our new house! Oh, and we have a Bedroom and Full bathroom just for you, so PLEASE come and visit! Also scroll down because I put two other posts on today...


Tiffany said...

I want to come and visit!!!!! We live so close!!! What a BEAUTIFUL home!!!!! I love it!

JandJ said...

Celeste-I honestly have butterflies in my stomach as I look at your beautiful new house. Congratulations!
I'm so happy for you. I love it!

Jen L said...

OK---I really need to come and visit! You make the plans and I will be there! Your house looks so cute and fun! Everyone seems to be enjoying it!

Gourley Family said...

Looks great! So happy for you! Would love to see it in person some time :)


Congratulations on your new home! It looks awesome. I'm so happy for you and your family. Hope you make very happy memories there.


Congratulations on your new home! It looks awesome. I'm so happy for you and your family. Hope you make very happy memories there.


Congratulations on your new home! It looks awesome. I'm so happy for you and your family. Hope you make very happy memories there.