My mom was able to come out for the very last of school. It was so much fun to have her here hanging out with the kids. She was able to attend Madysen's Gold Rush Musical, and meet our terrific friends the D'Augusta's, who by the way are our "Rock" out her in Cali.(thanks for that Shell)! It was our anniversary so my mom stayed with the kids so Jess and I could go on a long overdue date. Thanks mom. On Thursday we went to "High School Musical" on Tour. It was so much fun! Now because I am so scatterbrained I remembered right as we sat in our seats that I forgot the camera, but remembered that on my new cell phone I had a camera. The picture's aren't the greatest but they work! We took one of Maydsen's best friends Angelica. Madysen said she liked the play more than the movie. We also did a little shopping and Mom and I went and got Pedicures! Mom and Madysen flew away on Saturday (Madysen is staying in Utah for 3 weeks). Thanks mom for taking the time to come visit us! We Love You!
Wow, way cute pictures! It is so much fun seeing what all the kids are up to. We CAN'T wait to see you!!!!!!! Only two more weeks!!!! And we finally got our tickets to your house too :). PARTY!!!
Love to see the things you guys are doing. You are so busy!!!!! Can't wait for you get here and show me how to do this blog thing.
It was great to hear from you guys! Your family is getting so big, we can't believe it! We would love to come visit you, unfortunately that will have to wait till Paul's done with school. Have a great summer!
Amy and Paul Martin
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