Friday, December 12, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Is it Snow or is it Frost?
Ever since we have been here in Bend the kids have been patiently waiting for the snow to fall. Apparently we should have already had snow by now. Well the Hallman family is not used to snow. We moved to California when Tyler was 5 months old so Madysen is really the only one who has truly experienced the COLD white stuff...

So every morning Tyler looks out the window to see if it snowed during the night. Well Monday morning was no different...he looked out and sees white (more white than a normal morning)covering the entire lawn. It certainly looked like snow...or was it just a heavy frost. The kids did not care. They hurried to get ready for school, bundled up (thanks Shell for the Mittens), and went outside to play. They didn't care if there wasn't enough to build a snow man, they did however figure out how to throw it at each other. For their sake (not mine) I hope the 50% chance of snow for this Saturday comes true. They have certainly waited for it!

Brr... it sure is cold out there! We hope you all are staying Warm!
Only in Bend would you find Llamas in the Christmas Parade...
So this last weekend our city had a Christmas parade. Jess now being involved in the Rotary Club was helping with their float (or truck). He took Madysen and they both got to ride in the parade. The boys and I got there early and found our seats on the Curb of downtown Bend. The parade was fun. It reminded me of the many parades I was in when I was a child. So we have figured out that living in Bend you must have a dog...or a horse! In the parade there were as Zac would say it "so many little dogs and big horses". But to our surprise there were even "Llamas" in the parade. They also have "Chevy Club"! Dad, you would love this! You and mom should come and live here...your Chevy's would fit right in, and this town does have a "little" St. George Feel!
Tyler and Zac At the Bend Christmas Parade
Tyler and Zac playing Frisbee in the street waiting for the parade to start!
Ooh, pretty Llama...
Dad, you should bring your old Chevy's and be in the "Chevy" Club...
Waving...It's what you do at Parades
Madysen on Rotary Club Float...look closely and you can see Jess
Madysen with Smokey the Bear
Monday, December 1, 2008
Remembering the Memories in Mountain View...Making New Memories in Bend!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Maddy's "Libby Lu" Birthday Present from Angelica
Playing with our Newly purchased Erasers in the hotel room...
Sunday, November 2, 2008
We had a "Spooktacular" Halloween...
We will miss our Friends in California...

Friday, October 31, 2008
I have Bragging Rights...
So my real bragging is about Madysen...So about six months ago she joined a Local Cheer team with her Bff Angelica. She had never even done a cartwheel. At first Madysen was a little frustrated but with much practice and fun her team went to their first (and only for Madysen) competition. They placed first and were eligible for Nationals. Madysen did a great job and her cartwheels and pyramids are PERFECT! Below are a few pictures...

So another brag is on the Academic side...Madysen's grade this year are required to know and pass a States and Capitals test. The first test was to be on the first ten states and capitals. The kids were given the choice to take just the first ten, or to take a test with all FIFTY(if they got 100% they would not have to take anymore tests)! For about 4 days Madysen Studied, we quizzed her tons, studied some more. Last Friday was the day of the test. She was determined to take the test with all fifty states and capitals. We were excited to get her paper back with a VERRY LARGE 100% on it (and not just one large 100%, but many)! Way to go Madysen!!!! We are not sure where she got her brains... ;-)
Monday, October 27, 2008
Our Beautiful "little" girl is not so "little" anymore, but even more Beautiful!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Hallman's on the Move...