Saturday, October 31, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Madysen Jane Hallman...Born October 21 1997

Happy Birthday Madysen Jane
Loving~Kind~Always Smiling~Helpful~Full of Life~Compassionate~Softball Star~Bike Lover~Great Babysitter~Terrific Artist~Loves her Brothers~Straight A+ Student~Basketball Star~Loves Fishing/Camping~Always Happy~Great Helper around the House~Caring~Loves the Outdoors~Loves Everyone~Loves Computer Games~Beautiful~Respectful~Loves Hugs~Smart~Loves Friends~Animal Lover (even with allergies)~Smiles all the time~Volleyball Star~Always Thinks of Others~Terrific Dishwasher~Loves to Read~Great Trumpet Player~Loves her Heavenly Father~Awesome Testimony of the Church~A Friend to everyone~
There are so many words/things to describe our darling Madysen! She is a joy to be in our home. Our lives would just not be the same without her! We hope she has a great birthday! Madysen is so excited to turn 12 and become a "Young Women" in our Church!
We Love you Madysen!

9 Months old...Loves the Outdoors

3 years...Has Always loved the Camera

4 Years...Same Big Smile
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
30 Days, over 2100 miles, and through 5 States...Our summer vacation was the BEST!
Over 2100 Miles * Through 5 States * Visiting 8 Cities * One Mini Van * Air Plane (lucky Dad) * Four-Wheeler * Boat * Tractor (thanks for the ride Uncle Mark)*Hotel in Burley Idaho with Grandma and Grandpa Hallman * Staying at the Grandparents house * Watching a Softball Game * Staying at mom and dads house * Visiting Friends and Family * Tram through Zions * Train * Bus * Swimming in 8 different pools * Skiing at Sand Hollow * Many Splash Pads * Riding Four-Wheelers * Hiking Zions National Park * Watching the Best Firework show EVER (for this year anyways) * Lunch and Dinner Dates with High School BFF's * Turtle Museum * Glow in the Dark Mini Golf * Laser Tag * The Play Annie at Tuacahn * Seeing a movie for moms Birthday * Playing Ladder Golf * Spending time at the Cabin * Staying with John, Tricia, Teresa and Elise in Aptos CA * Lots of Lunch and Dinner Dates with Family and Friends * Staying with Greg, Shell, Angelica, Dom, and Nico in Mountain View CA * Visiting our old LDS Ward in Los Altos * BBQ's * Bowling with friends * Swimming (lots and lots) * Train and bus ride to SF * Watching the Street performers in SF (the kids loved this) * Date night for JC and I at Red Lobster with all of our Best California Friends * Building Sand Castles at New Brighten Beach *
Whew...we sure did a lot, and I am sure I am missing so much more! The best part of all of this is seeing and visiting with all of our Family and Friends! We love you all and miss all of you soooo Much! Thank you so much for making our 30 day, 2100 mile, through 5 States...Summer Vacation SO Fun!
(It was hard to pick just a few pictures out of the 550+ pictures I took...So scroll down and see how much fun we had, It is pretty much in order from day 1 to day 30)
Watching Cousin Kinzie in her Softball Tournament in Orem

Karson and Zac loving the Splash Pad in Orem

Cousin Malloree and Madysen at Grandma Lynda's House
The Kids LOVED the Four-Wheeler rides from Grandma Lynda
Visiting Laura and her Family...We Sure miss you guys!
It didn't matter that a year has gone by since we have seen the Gourley's...The kids had a Blast!

Visiting the Moench girls in SLC...We really miss you!

Aubri...I miss you! Thanks for the "Catch-Up"
Grandma Jane took all the grand kids to a Desert Museum. They absolutely LOVED the Turtle!
Bus ride into Zions with the D'Augusta Family...So Much Fun!

We hiked the Emerald Pools...The "pools" are no longer there (like I remember when I was young), but there is still water coming from the rocks!
Angelica and Madysen loved getting wet!

D'Augusta Family + Hallman Family= Fun!
The Guys getting ready for the Best Fireworks in the World!

This was the Best place to watch the BEST Firework show EVER! The kids were Mesmerized!

Girls night out...Dinner at the PF before the Play "Annie" !
Love those "Cut-out" Picture Boards! Madysen with Cousins and Friends!
Waiting for the Show to start...
These Girls loved the play (so did I)! Thanks Grandma Jane for the Fabulous night!
Visiting Grandpa McMullin...We Love you!
Riding Grandpa's Four-Wheeler at the Cabin in Pine Valley!
Zac is all ready to go on Grandpa's Boat!

We are ready to ride the tube!
Madysen LOVED to knee board...and even Skied barefoot (didn't get picture of that, went to fast)!
Look Closely...Grandma Jane's Famous "Glowing" toenails...At the Glow-in-the-Dark Mini Golf!
Karson, Zac, and Tyler...taking a break for a picture of the cool scenery.
Maddy, Jess, and Kinz...Cute, Cute, Cute!
Zac loved Golfing, once he figured it out!
Madysen and Teresa in Aptos California...
These girls loved to swim...Teresa, Elise, and Madysen
Thanks so much for letting us stay with you for a few days! We sure do miss you!
Tyler got to go bowling with one of his best buds...Nate! They had a Blast!
Asay kids and the Hallman kids! Thanks Janet for getting together with us!

Train ride up to San Fran. The kids loved sitting up on the top level (moms got a break down below)!
This was our very first Train Ride ever! So much fun!
We ate lunch in San Francisco at the Rain Forest Cafe...I love the Scenery!

The food was great too...right boys?
Whew...we sure did a lot, and I am sure I am missing so much more! The best part of all of this is seeing and visiting with all of our Family and Friends! We love you all and miss all of you soooo Much! Thank you so much for making our 30 day, 2100 mile, through 5 States...Summer Vacation SO Fun!
(It was hard to pick just a few pictures out of the 550+ pictures I took...So scroll down and see how much fun we had, It is pretty much in order from day 1 to day 30)

Karson and Zac loving the Splash Pad in Orem

Cousin Malloree and Madysen at Grandma Lynda's House

Visiting the Moench girls in SLC...We really miss you!

Aubri...I miss you! Thanks for the "Catch-Up"

We hiked the Emerald Pools...The "pools" are no longer there (like I remember when I was young), but there is still water coming from the rocks!

D'Augusta Family + Hallman Family= Fun!

This was the Best place to watch the BEST Firework show EVER! The kids were Mesmerized!

Girls night out...Dinner at the PF before the Play "Annie" !

We are ready to ride the tube!

Train ride up to San Fran. The kids loved sitting up on the top level (moms got a break down below)!

The food was great too...right boys?
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